The doctoral school psychology is part of the natural science faculty and adheres to the current curriculum in the natural science of 2024. Its primary responsibility is the supervision and training of PhD students. All actions must be carried out in accordance with the regulations of the curriculum for the doctoral program in the natural sciences and the study law. Here you can find the English explanation of the curriculum of the doctoral program in Natural Sciences. Please also consider the guidelines of the Doctoral School of Psychology.
According to its primary tasks, the doctoral school must ensure that each PhD student admitted to the program is supervised by a responsible supervisor and a mentor. The doctoral school must also ensure that the accepted students are able to complete the curricular part (i.e., course design of the curriculum) of their compulsory and elective subjects within the standard duration of study.
Although the doctoral school provides a statement to the rectorate on the admission of students, the administrative body is the dean's office of the faculty of natural sciences and the deciding body is the rector of the university.